Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor

Breonna Taylor, award winning EMT and essential worker during the pandemic

Breonna Taylor, award winning EMT and essential worker during the pandemic

It has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor, an award winning EMT and first responder, was shot and killed in her Louisville, KY home by plainclothes police officers who were looking for someone that did not live with Breonna nor in her complex and was, in fact, already in custody. The three officers were later put on administrative leave and over three months later one of them, Det. Brett Hankison, was fired from the Louisville Metro Policy Department. But, that’s it. Nothing else has been done. No charges have been filed for her murder. No arrests have been made. So, what can we do? How can we get justice for Breonna Taylor?

You got a couple minutes? That’s all you need. I’ve compiled the links for the petitions and condensed all the contact information so that you can reach out to the decision makers super quickly, but effectively. Let’s go!


Petitions to Sign

Fight for Breonna This provides a list of demands as well as other ways to demand justice including what to post on social media as well as a list of individuals and lawmakers to contact with their emails and phone numbers. Use these demands as you contact the individuals listed below.


Justice for Breonna petition demanding charges to be filed and her family paid in damages for wrongful death and negligence 


#Justice for Bre Color of Change petition demanding the other two officers, Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove, be fired



Individuals to Contact

Demand the other two officers be fired. Demand that prosecutors file charges for the murder of Breonna Taylor and the three officers are arrested, charged, and convicted. When writing an email, it’s best if you personalize your message so it doesn’t get lost or filtered out. Templates are provided, but add something extra, make it personal, change up the subject line – MAKE THEM READ IT.


Autogenerated Email This is SO easy. You click the link and an email automatically pops up (on your phone or computer) and all you have to do is update your name and place of residence. It is sent to Thomas B. Wine,Commonwealth Attorney for the 30th judicial circuit of Kentucky, and Louisville Assistant Chief of Police, Robert Schroeder, demanding arrests and charges.


Louisville Mayor Greg Fisher Use the linked contact form or his phone number is: (502) 574-2003. You can also use this template that generates an email for you to send.


Louisville Metro Police Department Use the linked contact form or you can use this template to copy and paste and send an email.


Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Use the linked contact form or give him a call: (502) 564-2611


Attorney General Daniel Cameron Use the linked contact form or give him a call: 502-696-5300


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